by westbank | Aug 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
Cleaning Bathing Suits It’s time to have fun in the Summer. School is out and its time for the beach and swimming pool. It is once again the season to find your Bathing Suits and see if they still fit. “Summertime and the living is easy.” Matter...
by westbank | Aug 27, 2019 | Uncategorized
Summer is always fun. There are baseball games, cookouts, July 4th celebrations and of course pools and trips to the beach. Hotdogs are involved in every activity in the summer and with chili, mustard and relish they are an all American treat. Eating Hotdogs...
by westbank | Jun 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Flying the American Flag Flying the American Flag of our country shows respect. When flown, our nation’s flag should be perfectly clean. Luckily, our flags are not difficult to clean; be that as it may, challenges do happen. Some banners and flags can be...
by westbank | Jun 7, 2019 | Uncategorized
Most grass stains can be removed simply by washing the item according to the care instructions, particularly when the stain is fresh. However, if the stain has been allowed to set or proves to be difficult to get out or eliminate you may want to think of other...
by westbank | May 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
Westbank Dry Cleaning Delivers Fresh, Laundered and well-pressed Dress Shirts Every Time Westbank Dry Cleaning in Austin and our sister stores and Bibbentuckers in the Dallas Metroplex are staffed by dedicated and caring people. We carefully examine every Dress...