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What Does "Spot Clean Only" Mean for Dry Cleaning? Cleaning a “Spot Clean Only” care label — typically found on higher-end designer clothing — often leads to problems. Sometimes these garments are hand-made, fragile, contain delicate lace, or other types of decorative trims. The “Spot Clean Only” means that the item can’t be safely submerged in any type of commercial cleaning machine. It must be cleaned by hand using a local spotting agent along with steam and air drying. There may be residual watermarks from the cleaning solvents.  Additionally, the area that was cleaned may stand out because it gets cleaner than the rest of the garment.

Spot Clean Only – Leave It To The Pros

At Westbank Dry Cleaning, we specialize in hi-end garments.  We’ll be sure to discuss the risks and potential results with you prior to cleaning clothing that can only be Spot Cleaned.  We want you to be aware of possible outcomes. We can only clean these items with your complete understanding and acknowledgment that no guarantees exist on the final outcome of the garment.  In addition, a signature on a waiver of liability form could be requested.

So What Can You Do?

Before you purchase a garment with a “Spot Clean Only” tag, ask a salesperson for a suggestion regarding cleaning the garment. Find out if the clothing can be returned if it cannot be cleaned satisfactorily. It’s also important when wearing a Spot Clean item that you’re careful not to get the item heavily soiled or spotted since it cannot be dry cleaned or laundered.